Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader: Complete Edition

51CYtokxkSL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_I’m excited to be able to say that Shawn Wilhite and my Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader: Complete Edition is now available for pre-order. It’s available in paperback and hardback formats, and contains all five volumes in one. If you have the previous 4 volumes (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, and vol. 4) and have been waiting for the release of the 5th and final volume, that is also now available: The Shepherd of Hermas (Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader). I hope these volumes will be an aid to those looking to expand their competency in Koine Greek and in the history, teachings, and doctrines of the early church.

Since this project has been a major undertaking and has gone through a number of iterations there are bound to be errors and typos. Feel free to send any when and if they are found to me at jacobncerone[at]gmail[dot]com. I will keep a record of them and implement them in the even there ever is a second edition.

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4 Responses to Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader: Complete Edition

  1. Colton Moore says:

    Jacob, thanks SO MUCH for this. My copy arrived today, and I’ve already begun to dig into it. Question: the title is *Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader: The Complete Edition,*, but on the spine of my copy, where the book title is usually placed, it reads *The Shepherd of Hermas.* Granted, Hermas is included in the work as its own chapter, is it a typo that this is on the spine instead of the actual title?


    Colton Moore,
    Bethlehem College & Seminary
    Minneapolis, MN

    • jacobcerone says:

      Dear Colton,

      Thank you for your comment. I hope you find the Reader to be helpful! I have forwarded your question to the publisher. I personally have not seen the final copy and do not know what the spine looks like. If you did indeed buy the complete edition, the spine should not say “Shepherd of Hermas on it” but instead something like Apostolic Fathers Greek Reader: Complete Edition. If this is a typo, I will expect that it will be corrected and that future editions will have the correct spine. I will keep you up to date when I hear back from the publisher.

      • Colton Moore says:

        Thanks, Jacob. All the bibliographic information is correct, but the spine does say “Shepherd of Hermas.” Also, I have the hardback edition. I’m not sure if that would help the publisher or not.

        Nonetheless, I think it’s great work. Thank you!

        Colton Moore,
        Bethlehem College & Seminary
        Minneapolis, MN

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